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The Bomb



SKU: 23-149

Artist: Noreen Parker

Size: 75 x 44 cm Acrylic on canvas , #23-149

The Bomb

When my mother was a young girl about 15 years, the people were living in the bush in wiltjas in the Spinifex Country.

My mother told me this story, how the people were all sitting down and they saw a big light and then lots of smoke, the smoke just went up and up and up.

The people were frightened they thought it was a walpa pulka (big storm) or the wanampi (rainbow serpent). My Uncle, my mother’s brother had gone to hunt bush tucker in Maralinga Country, he never came back, he died from that bomb, that’s a true story’.

In this painting you can see the families camped in their wiltja’s and the white people who brought the bomb, camping with their army trucks.

Weight 1 kg

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